Flawless Body Waxing video - Strip, Hard Waxing

Brazilian Waxing

A Brazilian wax removes everything in your nether regions, leaving you completely smooth everywhere under your underwear. With a Brazilian wax, you'll never have to worry about "escaping tendrils" again Genital hair removal includes hair removal around the anus, perineum and vagina. A Brazilian wax is not something you should undertake at home; it's definitely a salon procedure. You'll never be able to reach all the spots and crevices a professional can, and really, wouldn't you rather have somebody else making sure you're perfect? Prices at beauty salons may range anywhere from $25 to $100 or more.

It warned that most women don't find Brazilian wax comfortable. You'll be having hair ripped out from the roots on your most sensitive and intimate regions. Imagine your eyebrow waxing, only three times as long and in an area ten times as sensitive. The pain of course can be quite acute and it may continue for some time afterwards. Many though feel it is worth it for the results. As a certain level of pain has to be endured with a Brazilian wax it makes sense to always follow up a session with a hair inhibitor. The hair will take longer to grow back until finally it stops growing completely and painful hair removal is no longer necessary. As hair inhibitors are made from natural plant extracts they are safe to use on genital areas and other sensitive parts of the body.

It is important to do a patch test of any product you use for the first time. Then wait 24 hours to ensure that there are no skin reactions. Remember that a slight reddening of the skin is normal for a few hours after the hair removal.

Your hair needs to be at least 1/4 to 1/2 inch long for the wax to have something to grab onto.

Remember to wash your skin thoroughly before starting to remove oils, conditioners or perspiration.

Next prepare the wax: there are products that can be melted in a container over the stove or in your microwave, as well as products that simply need to be warmed up by running them under warm water.

Now that your wax is prepared for use, spread it in a strip across the area you'd like to treat, apply wax in one strip increments at a time before proceeding to the next area.

Put the cloth strip across the waxing area, leave at least a 1/2 part of cloth free so you can grab it firmly and leave the wax on long enough for it to harden.

Remove the cloth strip in a fast, smooth, flat (along with the skin) motion, holding your skin tight with one hand.
Use a wet cloth to wipe the excess wax from your hands, then wipe your hands dry. Most wax residue left on your skin can easily be removed with warm water, or you can buy a wax remover.

Body Hair Waxing Tips

Waxing will never go out of style. When you choose waxing for body hair removal, we have some tips here:

Don't attempt waxing the three days prior to, and the first three days of your menstrual cycle. You skin is much more sensitive at that time, and waxing then can be much more painful.

Never attempt to wax a tricky or very sensitive area (especially the bikini line) without practicing first on your forearm or leg. Make sure your hand is steady with the spatula, so you don't accidentally take off an eyebrow.

Read the directions that come with your wax carefully. Don't try shortcuts. The people who write the directions have been doing this stuff for years. They know the procedure.

Some people like to take an anti-histamine before waxing to prevent bumps or irritation. Also, some waxers swear by a pre-treatment Advil or two. Consult with your physician if you have any questions.

Do not under any circumstances, wax sunburned skin, as it has a tendency to come right off! Think about it... red chapped raw hairless legs don't look much better than red fuzzy legs. Wait for a normal skin tone before waxing. Also, never wax yourself if you are taking accutane or using retin-A. Both of the above medications are keratolytics and increase the rate at which you skin exfoliates. If you take a chance and wax, you may remove skin as well as hair! Don't do it!

Don't forget your pre-waxing oil layer! If you are using a hard wax, a layer of pre-waxing oil keeps the wax from sticking to your skin, so it grabs the hair only!

When you pull on the wax, pull parallel and low to the body. If you pull wax directly up, you take the chance of bruising yourself. Keep it tight!

Practice makes perfect! The more confident and coordinated you are, the easier is will be to wax. Practice on a large and flat area of your body (or recruit a friend to do it with) until you've mastered the technique.

The only thing more annoying than unwanted hair is the red mark getting rid of it leaves behind, especially with facial waxing. Soothe the skin by applying cold compresses and keeping your skincare routine down to water and light moisturizers for a few days. Don't layer on the products in hopes that one of them will do the trick; it will just exacerbate the situation. For a quick fix, apply some concealer and powder. The marks should disappear in a day or so.

Brazilian Wax FAQ

What is Brazilian wax?

Brazilian waxing refers to hair removal from the entire pubic region, around the anus, perineum and vagina. It is getting more and more popular to attain clean and sexy skin. In this process the entire pubic area is waxed, leaving a small area above the vaginal area. Some women prefer to take it all off.

This is a very intimate type of waxing and will only be performed after careful consultation. How closely you trim, shave or wax your pubic hair is a personal preference. You should do whatever makes you comfortable, whether it's a bare look, a more natural look, or something in between.

Why Brazilian bikini wax?

  • Many women opt and even request a Brazilian wax because it gives a neat, clean, close wax and the freedom to wear even the most revealing swimwear and lingerie.
  • It is worth any pain for most of the women when they and their partners believe that a hairless pubic area looks and feels more erotic. Many couples prefer Brazilian wax because hair removal makes oral sex more enjoyable.

Do I get to wear anything when I get Brazilian waxed?

You will be most likely provided with a paper thong, but if you are comfortable the Brazilian wax will be done without any kind of draping. Be ready to be without wearing anything waist down area. If you are visiting a salon to get Brazilian wax it is recommended that you get comfortable and get the maximum done.

How is Brazilian wax is done?

They start with snipping off the hair. Then the wax is applied in little area at a time. The hot wax is used as used in regular waxing. The strip is placed your the area covered with wax, the strip is pulled off when the wax is dried off. The stray hair are removed with tweezing.

Is Brazilian waxing a long process?

Some technicians are quick at it, it will take between 15-30 minutes.

Does it involve any odd position while Brazilian waxing?

It does involve some weird positions while the process.

- Lying on your back with your legs hovering in the air.

- You might be asked to lean on your fours on the waxing table.

- You would have to open your legs and lie down on the table. Try to be calm and not to have eye contact with the technician, it embarrasses some.

Why is it better than any other hair removing technique?

It is certainly a best way to remove hair from bikini area leaving your with a neat and sexy feel.

- It has long lasting results than hair removing creams, gels, razors or depilatory.

- In the process the hair is pulled down from the surface of the skin thus the next hair growth would be finer.

- The dead skin is removed in the process and the skin feels smooth and soft.

How often can I have the Brazilian wax?

The only thing about waxing is, though, that you have to wait till your hair grows to a certain length.

Does Brazilian wax hurt?

It is a little bad at the first time, but gradually it gets better if you are going for it regularly. You would also get over the uncomfortable feeling of some one looking at your private parts. Most women say it's worth it!